History has always fascinated me and the story of our own
country bears remembering, if only for a few, brief moments during our
Independence holiday. America’s storied past is something of inspiration and
the reason I am even here with the freedom to share an opinion.
I like to re-read the Declaration of Independence every
couple of years, and on this day, something different caught my eye. It wasn’t
the courage it took to stand up and fight for what we term our “unalienable
rights”, or the conviction to prove that we as a young nation could stand and
even flourish on our own. No, what made me think twice was the following quote:
“…and accordingly all
experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils
are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they
are accustomed.”
How true those words ring. Often times, we as humans, suffer
thru abysmal conditions, because we tell ourselves that what we face is
tolerable. But the Declaration gave us another right, the right to pursue
happiness. We, as a country, have freedoms given to us by our forefathers that
ensured our right to make choices that would make us happy, not to suffer at the
hand of another. Perhaps Shakespeare said it best:
“To be, or not to be: that is the
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind
to suffer
The slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of
And by opposing end them?”
Our forefathers, in their imperfect wisdom, knew that their young
country, in order to flourish and guarantee that the same oppressive government
not take hold in American soil, needed to establish a government that allowed
for the people to decide how they wanted to live. Not one that told us how we
should “be.” Sadly, over the years, we have forgotten what rights our founders
established, both in government and in our personal life. At times, we allow ourselves
to suffer, to lead our lives in a manner that doesn’t benefit us.
This is by no means my personal soap box, but more a statement of
self-truth. I myself have stayed in situations that are barely tolerable because
it’s easier, and in doing so, have forgotten what my forefathers fought for and
laid their lives down for and what our servicemen and women continually do
today. They fight for America and its people to have basic freedoms and use our
self-will to use our freedoms wisely.
Instead, this is a call to arms, so to speak. To appreciate living in a
country where I can be me and to say thank you for the men and women that have
fought, fight now and continue to fight and not disgrace their lives by
ignoring the very freedoms they fight for. It may not be perfect, and we may
still be a long way off from equality for all, but we live in a country where
we can “take up arms” and not suffer silently. So to our Armed Forces, past and
present, I say thank you for continually fighting to protect my freedom to just
be what I want to be.
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